Here are the online Chinese Dictionaries I recommend. The 1st and and 2nd are with Pinyin & Zhuyin(bopomofo) input system, also simplified and traditional Chinese. You can use Chinese to search English and vice versa.
Search ZhuYin(Bopomofo) or PinYin, you'll get tons of pronunciation learning materials, but I would like to introduce this American teacher for all the English leaners.
Glossika, the video below, was actually one of my English teachers (or a coach, as he said). He is an expert in pronunciation training. I am glad he is working on teaching Mandarin and would like to introduce his efficient learning method.
His materials have copyrights for sure, so I simply add part of the mapping table of PinYin to Bopomofo(ZhuYin) below. You could get much more by watching his videos. * The empty cells mean those combinations do not exist.