Friday 22 May 2015

Chinese Stroke Orders - for Auckland FoGuang Chinese Class (Adult Beginner)

This page shows the Character stoke orders of the textbook, Go Chinese, used in Auckland FoGuang Chinese school.

Please click the link below and go to the demo page.

Special thanks to Mr. Yan Gwo-Shyong, the developer of this learning tool. (特別感謝開發者 顏國雄先生)

Go 100
Lesson 1 一二三四五六七八九十百千兩個
Lesson 2 你好我他們大家早很嗎
Lesson 3 請不用客氣對起沒關係謝她
Lesson 4 問貴姓什麼王叫名字明都的
Lesson 5 星期有今昨天年月日大小是到這幾
Lesson 6 爸媽哥姊弟妹口人還家共
Lesson 7 要買多少塊錢那了便宜點兒算歲
Lesson 8 點半分現在鐘上中下午晚時走
Lesson 9 找誰打電話哪位號等來
Lesson 10 老師同學教文用和會可以