Thursday 30 July 2015

Recommended Youtube Channels for learning

Here are some interesting Youtube Channels in Mandarin with English Subtitles(most of them). Subscribe NOW!

1. Stopkiddinstudio - inviting foreign students introducing differenct cultures

2. 阿兜仔不教美語 - a Spanish guy talking about his experiences in Taiwan

3.ShenLimTV - a Malaysian host talking about differences among different ethnic Chinese(華人) groups

Memrise - helping to memorize

Just found this awesome Website - Memrise. (Also with iOS, Android APP)

Must check how efficient it is to help memorizing.

Click HERE in Memrise to learn BoPoMoFo (Chinese Alphabet)
Click HERE in Memrise to learn Basic strokes and all Radicals
Click HERE in Memrise to learn 56 basic Radicals
Click HERE in Memrise to learn the book - Practical Audio Visual Chinese實用視聽華語

Click HERE in Memrise for all the Traditional Chinese Classes
Click HERE in Memrise for all the Simplified Chinese Classes