Sunday 25 January 2015

The lyrics of "Dui4 Bu4 Qi3, Wo3 De Zhong1 Wen2 Bu4 Hao3 (對不起我的中文不好)" with Bopomofo(注音) - Transition 前進樂團

The English band, Transition, has a very cute song: "Sorry, My Mandarin is not good."
對不起(ㄉㄨㄟˋㄅㄨˋㄑㄧˇ; dui4 bu4 qi3),
我的中文不好(ㄨㄛˇㄉㄜ˙ㄓㄨㄥ ㄨㄣˊㄅㄨˋㄏㄠˇ; wo3 de zhong1 wen2 bu4 hao3)

Did you hear the difference?
水餃(ㄕㄨㄟˇㄐㄧㄠˇ; shui3 jiao3) or 睡覺(ㄕㄨㄟˋㄐㄧㄠˋ; shui4 jiao4)
Dumpling or Sleeping ?

The lyrics in Mandarin with bopomofo. (Click to download)

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