Friday 30 January 2015

The lyrics of "原來你什麼都不要(You don't want anything after all)" - 張惠妹(A-Mei)

張惠妹(ㄓㄤ  ㄏㄨㄟˋㄇㄟˋ, Zhang1 hui4 mei4), known as A-mei, is one of the popular Mandarin singers in Chinese world.
This song is inside her very first album that impressed the audience.
See more about A-mei in wikipedia.

* Grammar of "什麼都(ㄕㄜˊㄇㄜ˙ㄉㄡ, she2 me dou1)"

S+什麼都+(不)V .
I want everything. = 我 什麼都 要.
I don't want anything. = 我 什麼都 不要.

The lyrics in Mandarin with bopomofo. (Click to download)

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